Episode 5

Published on:

5th Apr 2023

Women's History Month with Carla Jennings

Women's History Month is an annual declared month that highlights the contributions of women to events in history and contemporary society. In this episode, we hear from Pastor Carla and guests.

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2023-03-26 at 09.39.10

, [:

So we are celebrating International Women's Month. And so if you know anything about me, I get amazing things at the last minute. And I saw we pastor and I were watching something and we saw a quote and it was by Albert Einstein and he's, he says that creativity is intelligent, having fun. So I am so intelligent.

I am the most incredible and intelligent woman I know. And however with that being said so, and, and another thought came to me is that I didn't want to put my urgency on others to make it their what was the word that the Lord gave me? It was my urgency and I didn't want it to make it your e.

mazing people that responded [:

And we're all amazing because God has made us all so individually unique, and I love that about our father. And then I, I then, so this I have, I'm big on words. I love words, I love quotes. And so these three plaques that are up here or wall hangings one says, as you can make, you may be able to see it.

Never, never, never give up. Right? And this one I really, really love. And it says, don't compare yourself to others. There is no comparisons between the sun and the moon. They both shine. Ah, I love that. Or they have their own light is what it says. That was my words. They have their own light. And isn't that true about each and every one of.

We have [:

I can see the teeth. Yes, yes, yes. And so I, and I may get a little emotional, but don't be moved. It's just me. Like when you are full, it's like a sponge. When a sponge has a lot going on and full and soaked, it's just something's gotta come out and it's woo and it's just like that. So here I go. Oh Lord.

And so with something else I [:

And so what he, what I got then was like, okay, so now Carla, you know, you wanna do this again. So I'm giving you a year notice now. We are doing it next year. All right? And so there will be an opportunity for any of you to say, I wanna be a part of it. So now we can allow your creativity and your intelligence to be a part of something huge.

So we'll do it the whole month. How about that? Yes, I'm excited too. I'm glad you are. So, all right, so we're gonna get going. And so, so what your workout's gonna be gyra is that you're gonna move this up and down in this as well. Okay? So, so you can move it now. And so our first person that we are going to acknowledge, she likes to be behind the, the well, she says she's the background or whatever.

at kind of words she want to [:

I have her mic, actually, I got your mic. And so our goal today, there you go, is to just they're gonna share about them and then what the word of God, the grace message of however you wanna share it, has done for you. But tell 'em. Okay. Oh, you're on. He's a year. Got that. Alright. As Miss Car said that, you know, we've been here since like 1984.

tor Miss Car was in, in Rema [:

But over the years, what I can say, you know, I'm skipping forward and everything, but Pastor and Miss Carla are the same from day one. Once we met them and we got, you know, a part of them in our lives and everything, they haven't changed. Now you're talking about a good 40 years because my sons are about 40.

ngth of time. Wow. So, To it [:

And so I me and Tracy was talking about this and it's like, I really don't wanna be involved in a ministry where there's no consistency. Mm. Mm-hmm. And so, pastor Miss Carla, what you see is what you get. So it's like, this is not an Android up here. And then they go home and they turn into humans. Okay.

No. That's, that's not happening. So for them, you see what you get. And so they have not, they're like, God, they change. Not, they're the same yesterday, today, and forever. And so we appreciate that. Or we wouldn't have been here, we would've left y'all a long time ago.

, it's in [:

He put his will aside. He wanted to obey the will of the father. And what he did was God had asked him to sacrifice his son Isaac on the altar. And you know, we make sacrifices 24 7 in our lives and we'll continue to make sacrifices. But during that time, he obeyed. And so what God says, like, okay, the angel of the Lord came down and said, stop.

to do that because I have a [:

And he will take the place of the sacrifice of your son. So you don't have to do that. And he said, yeah, and by the way, because you were obedient to me and you believe in me and you love me, guess what? I'm gonna make you my friend. This is the part that I love that God considers us his friend. Mm mm-hmm.

Now think about that the person and the whole universe considers us his friend. Mm-hmm. All right, miss Gloria, I need you. Okay. Alright. Cause it's like for, I told her, I said I love it, you know, when she is involved. But the whole point is, is that whenever you are lonely, whenever you are alone, you think you're alone.

, whatever. Mm-hmm. You have [:

Hey, he's, he's waiting. Mm-hmm. Okay. Mm-hmm. So for us, what we can do is realize is that a friend is intimate. A friend bonds with you. A friend is close. God is not looking for perfect people. Mm-hmm. He's looking for people that are persistent, come on and consistent. Mm-hmm. That they have a love for him.

Yeah. Because, I mean, yeah. He's our redeemer. He's, he's our ReSTOR and all the mother a advents about you, but I, the part I like about Jesus. Yeah. He's my friend. He loves him. So Kitty. Yeah. And Kitty loves him. Yeah. That is my, that is my best bud. Okay. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Father, son, holy Spirit and everything. Yeah.


Mm-hmm. In the light of his glory and grace. Hallelujah. Amen. Amen. Well, thank you. Praise God. Oh, love you. [00:11:00] Love you. Amen. Thank you. All right. Thank you Miss Kitty. So wow, I miss her voice. That was beautiful. So now we're going to acknowledge one of our indie ladies. And so this would be miss Nita.

And so yes, you can pull that back up. And I appreciate so much miss Nita. She holds it down for us in the indie campus. And we're just grateful. Go ahead and give her, give her a hand. And they're, yes, yes, yes. And she's actually the the individuals are standing. They're maybe, or, or maybe not standing since they're not here with you, you can't see them physically, but we have beautiful pictures of them.

aughing about something. And [:

Therefore, she and her older sister sang duets practically every Sunday. They also groomed her to speak by having the welcome address or giving the welcome address to visitors. God was directing her path because as an adult, her career focused on speak. And she is still singing. Today, she is the mother of three children, two in heaven, and one son in Nashville, Tennessee, [00:13:00] and grandmother of one Juanita has been a part of Summit Church since the fruition of Pastor Al's.

Desire for a campus in Indianapolis. Married to Pastor Gary for 29 years. She supports him as campus pastor and as campus pastors, and also leads the praise and worship team. Amen. Amen. Amen. I, my place, Juanita says, the true gospel of grace is helping her to become who God called her to be. As she receives the understanding of grace, she has been able to give more grace and compassion to others and to herself.

She finds [:

And so next we have up coming to the stage. Nicole King. Let's give it up for Nicole.

your way and I'm gonna inter [:

Mm-hmm. I started back in 1997 and I been coming, I started off in a touch group as a matter of fact, and I came in through a awesome lady named Hermina Clark. So she saw how I was, we worked together at Dana. She saw how I was at Dana and she probably said, this girl needs help, so let me invite her to something.

ng at Summit. Woo. I met him [:

Grace, God. Amen. So that is very exciting. And then I didn't like Dana cause I didn't like working in the factory. So Miss Carla had a women's group and I said, well, I need to get out of there. So, Miss Carla prayed for me and believe in God that I would start a daycare and that daycare has been going for 23 years now.

w, and I just, I was already [:

So I was like, okay. And then, you know, it just really what got me on to really clicking in on Grace was a lady named Connie Whitter and I just start going, I would travel by myself and go to her conferences, just listening, just getting the word. Just getting it and getting it. And I just have to tell you guys last year, 2022, it's not gonna stop.

But that was one of the best years of my life regarding. Mm. And I tell you what, I graced it out. Graced it out. Yes. From just everything. The biggest thing I have to say about gracing it out was businesses, multiple businesses. Multiple businesses. Yes. I started up salons. I have two salons here in town.

ff was. I was looking it up. [:

And that's all based on the grace. And from the grace, the biggest thing was instead of I would, I'm, now I know what to do. Mm. But before it was like, Lord, what am I going to do? Yeah. You know? Good. So just change my mindset and resting more instead of trying and trying. Mm-hmm. So instead of trying, I just receive.

Mm-hmm. I just receive, that's Nicole because I already got it. Yeah. From the finished work of God. That's good. So no more trying. Mm-hmm. I just receive it. And when I receive it, just, people just start coming up. Just from the rentals just coming up and I'm. Eating popcorn, watching tv. Oh yeah. There's another up.

the hardest challenge of me [:

I'm the opposite of my husband. He's very passive, and I'm strong-willed. I'm just like, go get her. I put that on the back of my license plate, go get her. So if people come at me wrong in the wrong way, especially when they're calling me or texting me, oh, I'm texting all night. I'm gonna get you. I'm gonna get you.

You know? But with. I'm like, I don't text them back. I don't call them back. I let them go off on me. And in the beginning it was tough. Cause I was looking at the phone like, I'm gonna get you. Then I'm like, Nope. Grace, who am I? Who am I? I don't defend myself to nobody. Yeah. Because I'm already approved.

didn't even go back at that [:

Even the other kids scared for the kids. Now I just get up the, get the broom and sweep it up and smile. And I say, I love you kid. And they're looking at me like, wow. They're probably like, thank God for grace. Yeah. That's awesome Nicole. And I love it. And it, and it also sets you up too, because you're such a giver.

Thank you. And you just, you know, and it just puts you in a bigger position to be in a, a giver. And one business that you didn't speak of is rentals. Yes. Yeah. And God has just blessed you tremendously and that you've started to just believe and receive. Yes. Yeah. With the, and it just comes and comes. I just bought all these houses last year and I'm like, okay, yeah, I'll get that one.

eight o'clock at. Tonight. I [:

And I don't think if I didn't have grace, none of that would happen. Just, just that. Receiving. Yeah, just receiving, learning how to receive because you, like I'm a goal setter and I write stuff down. I'm very anal, but it's still nothing what God has it. It's, it's exceeded what I did. I'm like, God, I would never even thought of that.

Yeah. Who would think of just doing some salons for passive it who, you know, I don't do any of, but it's God. Yeah. It's just God. Like, this is how you do it, this is how you do it. And I'm like, I would've never thought of that. That is God. And just receiving from him. Praise God. Amen. Yeah. That speaks to creativity.

een nothing yet. Praise God. [:

I love it. Okay. You gonna give that to Allie? Okay. Thank you. Okay. I'm working out this, you know, my own TV show, so just vibe with me while I vibe. Yay. So next we have a beautiful Allison jury, so hey Allie. Hi. And I have some notes on my phone because I might get distracted. That happens sometimes. That color looks good on you, by the way.

ause our daughter was born in:

We knew three separate couples that went here, so we had visited Summit off and on, mm-hmm. And always completely touched by the message and just, it was a, just a different experience than we were used to. And, you know, Doug was raised in a Catholic church, but like, CRE Easter Catholics. Mm-hmm. Like go on Christmas and Easter with a family, that type of thing.

Kinda that. And I was raised Lutheran Lutheran private school all the way through eighth grade and then into a public for high school. But so we had a lot to unlearn, really a lot of religion to cast off and work more toward relationship. Personal relationship with Christ, which we got right from the get-go.

And the message was finding [:

Wow. And we literally just went down the checklist and it was like, yep, yep, yep. Okay. I guess we're switching churches. We had been going to a different church you know, 15 minutes away or so, but yeah. So that's how we got our start here. Okay. Regarding the grace message specifically I'm a homeschool parent, so I have three kids, Doug, two, we are homeschool parents.

He takes a pretty active role with working with them and helping them through different things kids need to learn, be successful in life, and I so appreciate that about him. That's not something I ever would have thought was in my story. Like I didn't ever see myself as a homeschooling anything because, you know, when I was growing up, the homeschoolers were weird.

early on and it became clear [:

Would be the best fit to help her one-on-one. Mm-hmm. And we started and never looked back and Wow. So she's gonna be 20 this year also. Mm. And then Dawson, our middle one is 16 and Corbin, the baby's 14 and they're just, I'm learning right along with them. Yeah. I call myself a recovering approval addict, other people, but the grace message has helped me, you know, find my identity and who Christ made me to be and what he's done for me and Grace, which has helped me show grace to my husband, to my kids.

Mm-hmm. Also very type A personality like Nicole said, like, you know, I am gonna be direct and I say what I mean, I mean what I say. Mm-hmm. If I ever tell you something, you can take it to the bank. Mm-hmm. I don't mince words. I don't, I'm not rude. I mean, I can be, I can be. Yeah. But I just feel like if everybody did that, how much better would the world be?

Okay. [:

But the calling to be homeschooled parents to our kids has made our family something. I don't, I, it way blows away anything I ever imagined. I didn't see myself as being a parent. I didn't see myself as getting married and having kids at one point. Mm-hmm. Because my family with my parents kind of fell apart and it was very traumatic and I didn't wanna set myself up to be hurt that way.

h other's best friends. They [:

But I, you just can't put a price on the close-knit family unit we have and it's, it's all God. Yeah. He showed us, that was his plan for us being able to originally to help through some of those learning struggles, but then they get to lean on each other. They get to learn from each other. Yeah. They're each other's best friends and it's incredible.

That's awesome. And so I, I learned you know, comparisons the thief of joy, right? Mm-hmm. That's. My two biggest things when I'm asked to speak in a homeschool situation or, you know, cuz you know, being in that world for so many years now I realize now I'm one of these people being asked to Yeah.

ling realizing that and that [:

Mm-hmm. I think showing other people grace is keeping them on your level because nobody's better than another or worse good than another. That's so good. Also that quote about the moon and the sun and the Yeah. Okay. Kind of, but the moon reflects the sunlight. Ah. And so to me, I just got this I was thinking, putting together some thoughts that I haven't looked at my notes at all, but when we do show our creativity and our differences mm-hmm.

And how when we all come together, we're so much stronger because we can glean from each other. If we have an open heart to, you know, to be receptive we reflect the sun's light, right? Mm-hmm. We reflect the light mm-hmm. From the sun. Mm-hmm. We reflect, we have our Yeah. Our own kind of reflection of it.

ssage in your homeschooling? [:

Not finding my identity in well-behaved children. Mm-hmm. They've been taught right from wrong and they know, but they're humans and they're gonna make mistakes just like I make mistakes. Mm-hmm. And Grace again, we're all, I mean, yes, I, we're their parents and we're in authority, but we are together.

Mm-hmm. And we are not above or below each other. Mm-hmm. And when I mess up, I apologize. My kids have heard me apologize a lot. Mm-hmm. Because I do tend to fly off the, you know better as I've gotten more and more revelation with grace. I a lot of the time and, and I was talking to Nicole about this too, because, you know, how long, how many years has it been now pastor had this revelation of grace and started sharing it with us all.

talking about not depending [:

I know, I've heard being spirit led before. Mm-hmm. My logic, I want to figure it out. I want to read all I can. Mm-hmm. And I wanna logic something out and figure out my problems. Right. Yeah. And I think moms tend to do that anyway. That's kind of a, you know, we're like running the household, doing our thing.

So Grace has shown me that I don't need, I do know what to do. Like pester says, yeah, we know what to do. Yeah. Like, just this Holy Spirit is expert in all things. He's with us all the time. Ask him. Yeah. And so when little things come up and I'm missing it, and my kids have been the ones that have taught me Uhhuh a lot of the time, they will fly off the, you know, fly off the handle and start, what am I supposed to do?

What am I supposed to do? I remember distinctly one time my daughter just kind of meekly said, I think she was probably like 12 or 13 at the time. She said, have you tried praying?

arents and stuff. But we can [:

And so we celebrate you. Thank you. All right. Thank you. Let's give it up for Allie. You can put the mic on. Woohoo, Allison. All right. We're gonna keep it going. And so next we are having here an amazing Dawn Roseman. And we're gonna, we'll keep the platform or the podium down JIRA. I don't wanna overwork you, but No, my staff said to leave it down so I obey.

it over to herself. So, oh, [:

I didn't know if I, okay. I know. So, but no, you, you do what you do. Take your time. You're fine. So you guys, how you doing out there? Everybody good? You having a good time? You like receiving and hearing from you? Understand? You can do whatever you want. You can do it. You're the boss. I can lay down. Yeah, well whatever you So I, I should have planned cuz I can't see outta these glasses only far away.

So we gonna try this. Okay. So I get to talk about the amazing Chris Barnett in our from our indie campus. And this is what she wrote. She says my name, hi Chris. She's like, she says, my name is Chris Barnett and I am a member of Summit Indie Campus. I belong to. Summit for about 10 years. Indianapolis has been my home since birth, except for a period of two years living in, in Ogden, Utah.

tiative called Diploma Plus. [:

And Jesus accepts me just as I am and I don't have to work at earning it, earning his love. I am strengthened daily because I walk in his amazing grace Shalom. Mm. I love it. Yeah, I love that. So do I, do I go out now and come back in? You? You can do whatever you like. How would you like to enter? I mean, I mean, it's your show.

I know. So let's, why don't you just walk out Okay. And then make a dawn entrance. That's how we do it. Okay. You have theme music? That, see, that was part of the planning part that I, I'm just not a planner, right? I, I have my own, but this is your show. All right. So go. Hold on. Play your, play your entrance.

Oh, yeah. Come on. Hey, hey, [:

We'll get it together. So welcome. Hi Don Roseman. Good to have you here. Jenny Show. Yes. I love it. I love it. I love that you're here and we do have a, something we're gonna do at the very end Okay. After you share about you. Okay. Are you gonna ask me questions or you want me to just you flow and then I'll go.

n, I did the math over there [:

I actually came to Summit. Through another, another. They used to call me, called touch groups. I came through a touch group with my cousin. You guys know him as Calvin. He's chewy to me. I went to Chewy's touch touch group because I'd always grown up in church. My mother is here, my beautiful mom is here.

I'm always never gonna not miss the miss the opportunity to, to acknowledge my mama. And she, she taught me about God. So I always grew up in church, but I'll be honest with you, and I've told this before, I never liked church. I didn't understand it. I certainly didn't have any sense that God loved me. I didn't think he talked to anybody but old people, pastors and like babies.

And so I was like, okay, so they make me go to church. I only liked church on, on first Sundays because that's when the youth choir would sing. And that's the only thing I kind of understood. And otherwise I would be really sleepy unless it was like, sometimes I like communion, cuz not because I understood it, but because it was snack time.

That was what in my [:

I just outgrown it. I changed, I was hungry for something I didn't understand at the time, but I realized now I was looking for a teacher, somebody to help me. But I, I didn't have those words then, but, but I, so I went to the winning group because it was my cousin and I felt like if it was horrible, I could just go upstairs and hang out with the kids.

And I just seriously. And I just was like, I just won't, I'll be. And I went and if you guys remember then it was Mr. Shane McIntosh was leading that winning group. And I didn't know what was happening, but I was changing. Mm. And I I didn't have Mark then my amazing, most amazing husband Mark.

would sit way back there in [:

Deborah Brown. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Just, I thought she was, I think I've told this, I thought she was a stalker. She was like, how are you? And you're wonderful. And she called me and How are you? It was so good to see you. I'm like, how do you get my number? I was like, oh, I gave you to my number. And I was like, all these things was crazy, but they just, this place just wouldn't let you go.

And I sat back there in that corner and I sat here and listened to the music and I hated it cuz it was crazy and different from anything I grew up. But then this man stood up here and I was like, what's happening? Mm. I should have brought the Kleenexes. Yeah. Me. Right. I was like, what's happening? Because I'd never okay, so there's this it's good.

l and she just says over and [:

And she's like, he wants to spend time with me. And I never knew that. Mm. Yeah. All those years growing up, I never knew that God wanted to spend time with me. Mm. That he loved me. And you know, pastor made this comment, he wasn't my pastor to them. Me, he made this comment. He is like, I'm sitting back there doing things I wasn't supposed to be doing new.

I wasn't supposed to be doing them. And he was like think about all the things that you've done, all the bad things, all the things you've said, even just said a few minutes ago, whatever, think about all those things. Mm-hmm. And then think about this. And he was like, God knew all of that. And he made you anyway.

ou get stuck here and you be [:

And I remember came in on a week and there was a sign out there and it said rehearsals for the posse. Remember I didn't like the music. And I was like the rehearsals for the posse. And I was like, All right. I literally, I didn't know anything about the Holy Spirit either. And so, but I heard, you know, it's almost like, it must have been like that scripture where I forget who it is, I'll be messing up the Bible, but I read it.

But that guy was like, you know, whatever he is calling his name, he is like, huh, you know, that was like me. He was like, go do the, do the, the tryout. And I was like, who? And then it was like, go do the tryout. And I'm like, who? And I was like, and I forget, I forget. It was some song that I went in there and they were like looking at me like, okay, you're here.

And I'm like, guess I'm here to try out. I guess I'm here to try out for this thing, or whatever it was. I don't even if it was called a tryout, but you could, whatever it was. But that thing, man, I go in there and just change my life. And I never knew I belonged. Even then Miss Kitty can talk to you about it.

long I always thought like, [:

Mm-hmm. And I couldn't do so many things. I thought this is the way I talked to myself. Mm-hmm. And I was just sitting there, I was like, I just couldn't figure it out. And then Grace came along. Yeah. Yeah. You know, and I remember we used to have a winning group in my office. I'm a lawyer. I've been a I've been a lawyer, I've been practicing why I've been, I came back from law school.

, in:

And I was like, I wanna get paid this and I wanna do this. Yeah. And they're like, we never seen this before. I know, I know. But I'm, you know, and, and, and, and so I'm the firm diversity partner for all 22 offices. So I go around and drive inclusion Yeah. And strategy and love it. Belonging. And I have a, my, my title really is like, I get my chief.[00:41:00]

It's, it's like I get to see people for a living. Mm. Which is my heartbeat. Heartbeat. I get to point people to their greatness. It's funny, I used, when I used to talk about rain all the time, I would tell God like, it's a fail if I'm here for five years more because I wanna go pursue rain. He goes, you are rain.

What are you doing where I put you rain? Yeah. Do that there. And so he is like, so it's like funny because I actually get paid. He fun, he uses them to fund rain, to do the things that I get to reign there and push people to their greatness and, and, and, and, and, and educate people. Put people up on game that they're an unrepeatable masterpiece every day.

Yeah. That's what I get to do. But I, I was, you know, I was, I was sitting there, we used to have a winning group in my office and pastor would come and he was, I remember he was talking about grace. And it was hard for me because again, I remember used to teach, had taught a sermon on orphan's heart. Mm-hmm.

o feel like, mm. But this is [:

Right. That's me. Okay. I'm gonna get it done. Yeah. I'm gonna handle my business. What do I do? He's like, let me love you. And that's never been a strong suit of mine. Yeah. Even when my relationships, it's hard to let people love me. Mm-hmm. Because I'm used to, I'm good at going this direction. Yeah. And so it's just open me up.

I feel like I'm a, I I I cry a lot. But it's because I have these moments where I have these, like, I feel like these absolute encounters with God, where I'm like, you, you do love me that much. Yeah. You want to spend Yeah. Time with me. Mm-hmm. Yep. Yep. I didn't I am enough. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's, that's grace.

ld've wilded out. I would've [:

Me, mark, and then the Holy Spirit that helps us act right. Mm. That's good. And, and, and our boys lean into this. They, when they're af off at school, they, they watch and we study and we, you know, it just, it's changed my life. That's awesome. And it's a con, it's, excuse me, it's changed my life and it's changing my life.

Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. All the, all the financial, you know, if you know anything good that you deem about me, about Dawn Roseman is cuz I'm connected to this ministry, rain is simply an extension of what I learned here. I stood right over there when you said you're the sum total of your thoughts of you. And I had to answer the question, Dawn, what do you think of you?

xing that led me to realize, [:

Yeah, yeah. In every room that we enter. Yeah. That's, that's who we are. Yeah. You can't, I told somebody this the other day. I used to feel, I'm like, what? What'd you say Alison? You like, you're recovering. I forget what you said. I'm a recovering people. Pleaser. I'm, that's over you like is secondary. You ain't gotta like me.

I love me. Yeah. I'm amazing. Come on. I didn't know that before Grace. Mm. My God thinks I'm awesome. Yeah. Yeah. And your your rain platform. Yeah. You get to go and like you said, not only personally have rain tables and Yeah. Raindrops. Yeah. And share your raindrops, but you are, you're the, the the position you're in at your job.

to think, I used to hide. I, [:

My mama raised me to be respectful and have integrity, and I struggled. Mm-hmm. I struggled and one of my partners was like, I told her that I wrote the book and she like, cussed me out. Literally, she was like, what's wrong with you? A whole bunch of words. Get this out. And then she took it and then she ordered a whole bunch and she keeps a stack and she gives 'em the clients.

I was on a client call the other day and we're talking about business, all these things and blah, blah, blah, all these things. And I said to them, they're a multimillion dollar client of mine. I said, Hey, is there anything else I can do that we need to do to facilitate you, you know, us doing whatever it is we had just talked about and you have any other questions for me?

is funny man. He's tripping. [:

Yes, yes, yes. When you show up and do the thing that you were created to do, sing right at, create draw you know, whatever it is. When you do that thing and do it under him, not for these people. Not for likes, not for coin. Mm-hmm Not for when you do that. My gosh. He's like this about to get serious.

enths of an hour. My life for:

Mark. 25 years was nothing but six tenths of an hour. So much so that it was hard for me to relax cuz everything was about, if I spent time with you and we had a good lunch, I'd be like, how was your day? Well, it was good and fine, but I didn't bill any [00:47:00] time. Everything in my life was around, but I didn't bill any time.

ime. So when I stood there in:

I'm like, but I don't want to take that position. He's like, tell them this is what you're gonna. And then he gave me the thing to give to them. And then I started thinking, because when I get nervous sometimes I'll make jokes about things. And I was, you know, I got babies at the time. They were, I was like, I, you know, and my mentors, you gotta be careful.

Even when people love you, you gotta make sure God don't need no co-signer. He tell you to do something. Do what he said. You don't need nobody else to be okay with it. And so I was sitting there and my mentor was like, Hey what about them kids? It's like the devil gave him a playbook of every one of my fears.

? How you gonna keep up your [:

So I quit and then I gave them that proposal because that's what God led me to do. And then I was gonna make a joke cuz we went to go buy school supplies. And I was I was thinking in my head cuz my friend told me I was, I was kind of testing the waters of if I should quit. And I said, what if I quit?

She's like, I don't care if you quit, you just ain't gonna be able to buy organics. She's, she's joking. And so I was like, Hey man, that's not funny. So we're getting ready to buy them some stuff and I heard the enemy say to me, he's like, enjoy this cuz you're not even gonna be able to buy them school. And I started getting ready to say something.

Because if it all went away, [:

Come on. So I'm just trying to tell you like this, this place, this boldness, this is me. Mm-hmm. But this has been cultivated because I sit here, I need to be pastored. Mm. That's good stuff. That's good stuff. And not just anybody. Mm-hmm. Not, I mean, I watch other things and I listen to other ministers and I get other good things, but I need, you need to sit under someone who sees you and holds you accountable.

Mm-hmm. Pastor used to walk by me sometime. He like, Hey, watch who you hanging with? I was like, who talking?

mad at you. I've been mad at [:

Mm-hmm. This is my home. Mm-hmm. Yes. Praise God. When I travel, I miss it. Mm-hmm. And I, I appreciate y'all for showing up in good times and in bad times. Yeah. To give out what the Holy Spirit is giving you. Y'all, whomever listen out there who don't come, like, I can get this and just stay here. Come. You can't.

It's different. You gotta come. That's good. You gotta come, you gotta belong. You gotta let somebody put some arms around you. You gotta let somebody love on you and challenge you. Miss Kitty gave me so many books that I was like, she trying to like handle me. Yeah. She be like, you need to stop. I was like, she gave me a book, like Seven Deadly Sins.

good setup to end. Right. So [:

And so is Tommy still here? Come up real quick. Tommy. If you're here, Tommy. So that's what friends are for. Oh Lord. I know, right? And so what'd y'all go? And so I got the lyrics. Did you know the words? No. We gonna soon do the first, the first little, little part. And and come on now. Don't be trying to trip on me.

I had it right here. I had the lyrics. I got the lyrics right. There we go. All right, so we're just gonna, yeah. Does Tommy, no. Does Tommy? No. No. Tommy? No. No. Oh, okay. Okay. So, okay. So how's it go? This is it Uhhuh? This is it. Okay. I, I know I know the, you gonna play it? Yeah. Okay. Awesome.

Oh, no, that's not it.

re there words? Yeah. There's[:

only you,

you first. And I never thought I'd feel this way. And as far as I'm concerned, I'm glad I got the chance to say that. I do believe I love you and me, and if I should ever go away, well close your and try to feel the way we do today. There I moved it. I'm sorry. This will end here. We're in here. Oops. Keep smiling, keep shining.

an always count on me first. [:

That's what friends are for. There you go. Awesome. Woo. That's all. Give it up. Love you. Awesome. Sorry Tommy. I'd put you on the spot at the last minute. All right, let's give it up for Dawn Ro Rosalyn Roseman set her middle name all wrong. Awesome, awesome, awesome. I love putting her on the spot. I love putting her on the spot for singing.

t, dra. So you're gonna pull [:

Okay. Of course.

ed attending Summit Church in:

So when I say clients, I am a hairstylist and I knew quite a few of the clients or [00:55:00] members from my salon. So I, when I begin attending Summit Church, I was heavily involved in a 12 step program called Narcotics Synonymous, which they use the steps to help you evolve and change your life from a life of addiction.

And I served on the area chairperson or area committee, and I remember the chairperson telling me something's different about. And so let me roll back. When I made the decision to accept an invitation, thank you. Mm-hmm. I was driving home. I had one child and driving home to my house, and when I would turn the corner, I could tell that a light that was always on was off.

got direction in they light [:

And one of the first things, or the first time we had Ms. Tanya was here and I would share with her about my clients and the inconsistencies and the expectations of the clients and coming short. And that's when I first began to really pray over my business. And she told me to ask God to. Send clients with the means to pay my fees.

as opposed to going to a job [:

So that's kind of a familiar thing when you say it's gonna be this much. Yeah. And I had to build confidence and, and believe, and, and, but I couldn't really do that. I could say it mm-hmm. But I really couldn't do it without the word and knowing that I'm valuable. Yeah. My time is valuable. Yeah. My service is valuable.

ervice. And so I came here in:

To that. Cause you are, I had, I've had and I appreciate your what did you call it? Like urgency. Okay. Because your urgency brings healing. So, as you know, I've talked about, I've been a, a, a stylist for over 40 years. I'm a third generation entrepreneur. My father, his family in Alabama had a dairy farm.

And he came here and when we were young, he had this car wash that was, it was a concierge car wash where he would pick up all the big players, the old players cars, and, and I got to do the ashtrays and any of the chrome. And then my parents opened a restaurant that was here for over 20 years, my mom and my dad.

ng kind to people. I've only [:

Understanding that everybody isn't for me. Mm-hmm. Ms. Carla taught me that some time ago, but just the messages and knowing my words and valuing myself and, and, and, and the industry is changing so much and being okay with how I provide service and the services I provide. Yes. And not comparing myself.

e. Yes. So in the interim of [:

So I talk about how long I've been here mm-hmm. For a season. I did leave and while I was gone, that's when pastor started teaching the grace message. But here's the big thing. Someone talked about finding a church, and I remember there was meth. You know, pastor would talk about, you know, you can look for a choir, you can look for the children's ministry, the teen ministry, but you find a pastor.

Yeah. And then when him and Miss Carla would pray over the babies and babies would recognize their voices because the parents was playing the CDs or listening to the messages. So so I turned into the pro called Child and I ran away and I I wasn't mad or you or pastor. Mm-hmm. You know, like anybody else.

id, why they doing that? But [:

So I ran away. And the funny thing I, I did go to another church or like three or four of them, but I, I went on this trip and the roommate was on Facebook. I was like, dead sleep. And she started listening to something of Miss Carla. And so I'm asleep and I hear this person talking and it just woke me up.

at she said, but my response [:

Well, first I ran into Nicole and Jimmy and I said, I'm coming to Summit tomorrow. And she was so excited. She was gonna text pastor, but she text me. But, and that's how I knew she was so excited. But when I went up and spoke to pastor, his response, if you know about the prodigal child or son mm-hmm. He, every, when he came back, he was always received with open arms.

The love that no matter the [:

I've, I've known Pastor Miss Carla for many, many years. I, I knew and Miss Carla isn't that much older than me, but I, she was just always.

A good girl. A good girl, she always set a great example. She was always doing great things in her community and she was just someone you would like look up to because I was running around being bad. So anyways, in that process as far as the grace message, after returning and, and I just started building more confidence in myself, I, I began to work corporate after well I worked in education and then corporate and I worked for a company called Brotherhood Mutual Insurance.

s, there is no such thing as [:

In this message, he started talking about something he had been waiting for, and it took a long time. So when I was hired into customer service, I looked around and there was a specific position I wanted. So I wrote it on the refrigerator. And if you've been here any time you're gonna hear Pastor Al or Pastor Out, or Pastor Tracy or talk about writing a vision and just, and, and when you first hear that, it'd be all complicated.

was I just put a whiteboard [:

And that part of what he was saying went into my spirit because I was, I was like, it's been two years. I'm gonna just watch this off. In that he's been talking about listening, being quiet long enough to hear this Holy Spirit. And it said, no, wait and see what I do. Mm. So I applied. And anyways, I ended up, they created a position for me, didn't post it.

ipe it off again. And it was [:

Mm-hmm. But I'm just saying it has really taught me to wait and to trust. So with that being said, when I, when, when Ms. Carla called, I was in my head I made a really silly mistake, which we do, and I tend to be so hard on myself. And so I got like a little chewing out, a little correction, and my manager is a manager.

ting people define who I am. [:

When Miss Cara called, like I wasn't working from home, but I was under distress cuz I had a meeting and, and, and, and when I just, I made one little simple mistakes and one little email, but he was just on and on and on. And so I'm trying not to let that person in my head, it was something like, you are the dumbest person we know.

Mm-hmm. You are this and, and you know that you guys sing that song about, you know, our, our our, those what we hear and we can't, you know, we have to cast that down. So she called and invited me to her show, which I didn't know it was a show, but anyways, I didn't there was some great news, there's some great things.

come on y'all with, with the [:

And then finally he said, and you know, it will come with this, that or the other. And what threw me off is, you know, we cannot lose hope in faith. Yeah. You know? Mm-hmm. Because he said what he had to say was, I'm so glad you ain't asked about no money. I trust God. Yeah. He brung it last time and he gonna keep bringing it.

Yeah. Amen. And so, I don't know if that's all you wanted to hear, but there's a lot here. But it's good. I love pastoral and Miss Carla and Miss Kitty and Pastor Tracy. I love everyone. And Dawn, Dawn is always gonna tell you that she loves you and she means it. Yeah. And and everyone here, so you were awesome.

Thank you so much. That was [:

Oh, thank you. I I'm still using the mic. All right. So are you getting blessed though? You know, it's, it's, you know, we are the word walking word. We are because of the word that we receive. And so Fifi's coming and she's gonna do an Indianapolis individual. Oh yeah. You do need that, don't you? Yes. All right.

d little bit about her and I [:

I was born and raised in Evansville, Indiana, and I moved to Indianapolis in 1997. I graduated from the University of Southern Indiana in 1997 with the Bachelor's of Science and Accounting. I served in the Indiana Army National Guard for six years. Thank you for your service. Mm-hmm. And was honorably discharged as a specialist, E four in 1996.


Acquisitions and rehabilitations of loan refinances. I joined Petco Investments in 1997 as a staff accountant, and I have received several promotions during my tenure. I serve on the Board of Inclusivity Institute focused on contributing to the mission of dis disrupting housing segregation, eviction prevention and special projects aim to reduce the harms of predatory lending.

d of God. God has blessed me [:

The message of grace reached me at a point in my life when I needed to be fed spiritually. I was raised in the Church of Christ and was baptized at 16. I love my Church of Christ family, but the church system resonated with me as do good, get good system. Mm-hmm. The message of grace that I am saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, changed me from the inside out.

I have stopped trying to fit the ideal Christian and started listening to the small voice on the inside, known as the Holy Spirit. I truly believe that a small steel voice led me to Summit Church Indie. And one Sunday morning I was watching Joel Osteen program and I saw a commercial for Summit Church.

d the Holy Spirit say to me, [:

And this scripture, along with others, provides direction for me personally and professionally each day throughout the day. I thank God for the finished work of the cross through Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Yay. All right, so we got a switch of, of our plan. Yes. As you may know. Yes.

Okay, so I do apologize. And [:

So, but so thank you Fifi. So at this time honey, you gonna come out, come on back up. But I, I apologize. We did have on the schedule Peggy Stevens. Peggy, can you stand up? I wanna acknowledge you. Anyways, Peggy Stevens. Yay. Tiffany Shannon from the indie campus, Janae McGill here. Molly Thomas, who's gonna be sharing one of the Tiffany's.

So we will definitely honor you all next week. So you see, I need you all, I need planners. I need people that are very strategic and know how to do time. I don't know how to do that. I just go. And so I love you all and I appreciate you. Thank you honey, for giving me this opportunity to to be here. And so the show is yours.

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About the Podcast

Living By Grace
Living by Grace with Al Jennings
Teaching the Word of His grace. Receiving the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness will cause you to reign in life.
Matthew 11:28–30 (The Message)
28 “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. 29 Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. 30 Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”

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Al Jennings