Episode 6

Published on:

12th Apr 2023

The Redemptive Book of Revelation with Chris Barhorst

The more revelation we have of Jesus and His redemptive work, the more grace we receive in our life. In this podcast, Chris unlocks the book of Revelation through the lens of Jesus. The book of Revelation makes the rest of the Bible come alive. The Revelation of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. Because of the sacrifice of Jesus and what He did, we can be joined into the family of God. 





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everybody. Welcome to the show. I'm excited today because we're going going to talk about Revelation and I've got someone who's got some revelation on Revelation. Special guest, Chris Bar Horse. Welcome Chris. Thank you Al. Glad to be here. Yes. Yes. Chris is the pastor of True Life Church of Greenville, Ohio.

Not too far from me. And about 70. Yeah. How, how far? It's about 90 minutes. About 70 miles. I think. 70 miles. Yeah. I, well, we, we've got to do some fellowship, brother. That's, I agree with that. Totally. Yeah. Chris is also the executive regional advocate with Andrew Womack Minister's Association. He's the author of a book that we're going to talk about today, the redemptive book of Revelation.

Subtitle, the Book of Revelation through the Eyes of Redemption. He has a passion to help people understand the balance of grace and faith. Man, it's so good to have you, brother. Wow. It's good to be here. I'm honored. Thank you. Yeah, I haven't known Chris that that long, but we are like brothers man, and uh, we enjoy each other's fellowship and man, this is a awesome man of God, man.

Thank you so much for being on, on the show. Well, thank you for having me. I'm excited to be here. And the goal, uh, being here, and I know this is your goal also. I just want people to really see Jesus and you know, I know we throw that type of terminology around a lot. Mm-hmm. But, but it really is the difference.

And I, I keep learning that in my Christian walk. Absolutely. I was talking to somebody today about, once you think you know everything, or, or once you, you think you know everything about the Bible, you stop. Exactly, because we're always learning. I learned some new stuff today talking to, uh, mark Matching.

Actually even before Mark was on the, on our show, I, I recorded the show with him and even before that on his live, he had some, uh, he had a live and he shared some things, man, that I had never heard before. And it, it helped me man to understand something that I really didn't fully understand before. And so, That's, it's God's word is so rich.

It's, it's unending. Yeah. Fred Price used to say the word of God is pregnant. It, it, it always gives birth to new facets of revelation. Well, and you know, too, you were talking about, I think, uh, thinking people think they know everything and they've exhausted the Bible or however we, we do that, but, but you know, in first Corinthians eight, it talks about, Um, uh, if you think you know anything, you don't know anything as you want to know.

Yeah. Yeah. First, that's good. Day two, but, but it didn't say you didn't know anything. It, it just said you didn't know it the way you should know it. Right. That's a good way to put it. Yeah. That's awesome. Yeah, and I tell people all the time, you never get it. You just keep getting it. That's the indicator that you.

Get it.

Yeah, that's good man. Alright man. Well let's talk about your book, man. And first, how can people get this book? Well, you can, uh, contact us or you can go on Amazon. It's on Amazon and uh, it's just called the Redemptive Book of Revelation, and you mentioned that earlier. The subtitle is the Book of Revelations through the Eyes of Redemption.

Uh, Greg Moore, who. Executive director of of Andrews Womack Ministers Association, he did the Forward. Mm-hmm. And he really encouraged me with it because, you know, before I tell you the story of, of how I came to this, I, I told another friend of mine, I said, you know, write my first book on the book of Revelation.

I'm either really hearing from God or completely insane. And he said, well, He's a good friend. So he told me he thinks it's a combination. A little bit of both. I said I'll go with that. That's good. So, so it's funny. That's awesome. I'll put a link where people can get the book in the show notes, so, okay.

s, I got saved in December of:

And he, and they that hear the words of this prophecy and keep those things which are written therein for the time is at hand. And, uh, you know, I thought, well, you know what? I can read it and. And so I started reading it every month, uh, practice. I continue to this day, uh, I mean, among other parts of scripture, but, but I, I, you know, I read through the Bible every year at least once.

And, uh, but I, I al, I read that book every month, uh, because there's a blessing on it. And, um, but when I heard all so many interpretations, I really wasn't blessed. I was more confused. And I often joke that Jesus Christ is gonna physically return as soon as he figures out our prophecy charts. And, um,

you know, you've seen him, you've seen 'em, you know, and, and you're like, I'm like, look, I think, you know, I, I believe in the second coming of, of this physical return. I do not believe he returned in 70 a. As some people erroneously teach and, uh, you know, I'm not, I'm not about fighting with anybody and Right.

But, but just things as I read it, uh, you know, all of a sudden it hit me one day in chapter one and verse one, that it's the revelation of Jesus Christ. Yes. Oh my. This is about Jesus. Yeah. So many people miss that. It's the revelation of Jesus Christ. And it's singular. It's, it's the revelation. I mean, it is the, the revealing of Jesus, but we make it about everything but Jesus, and I think that's why people aren't blessed by it.

Um. Mm-hmm. I talked to one guy, uh, part of an awesome group of, of. Ministers and stuff. And he said, he said he, he was asking why their group doesn't, uh, why don't they, we talk about it. And I said, well, everyone's afraid of it. Or, and I shouldn't say everyone, but a lot of people, they're afraid of it. And, and I get it because, uh, I've talked to people and said, well, they're, it's like they're just not interested in it.

But I'm thinking if it's talking about Jesus and it's revealing Jesus to me, I think you should, we should be interested in it. And. First Peter, chapter one, verse 13 says, it says, therefore, gerd up the loins of your mind. Be sober and hope to the end. Or the Greek says, hope completely upon the grace that is being brought unto you.

The Greek says, at the revelation of Jesus Christ and, and more revelation we get of Jesus and his redemptive work, the more grace we receive in our life. Yes. Awesome. That's good. Yep. I, that's, that was my heart. And, and I honestly, I, you know, you, I, you know, we know our motives, right? And, and I can tell you that writing this, this book was my motive was really pure.

I mean, I literally, you know, just want people to see Jesus. I really haven't promoted it, but that may change. You know, I'm, I pray about that. Um, but the people that have read it and, and hear what I'm saying, I've gotten some. Really good encouraging words back of people that are seeing it and they're, they're actually, it's actually opening up to them and they're thinking, you know, I, I'll explain a couple things here as we get further along, but man, it's about Jesus.

Yes. And uh, it's exciting. Wow. That's powerful. Yeah. Yeah. So, yeah. So tell us about the book. Tell us about, take us. Okay, here we go. Are you ready? First of all, I do not know every verse in the book of Revelation, nor do I know have every verse in the entire Bible. But I have learned that the, the, the scriptures, the written word, uh, is pointing to the living word and that, and G and that's Jesus, you know?

Uh, and where I think people miss and they get legalistic or agnostic or whatever they get when they like Jesus. In John 5 39, he told the religious folks, he said, search the scriptures for in them. You think you have life and they testify of me, but you won't come to me, that you might have life.

Ephesians 4 21 says, the truth is in Jesus. And of course, John 14, six says He is the truth. Mm-hmm. And, uh, so, so what I do in this book is you've ever seen somebody assemble a puzzle and, and, and they're putting, they put the outside of the puzzle together. And I call it the puzzle principle. Well, that's what I do with the Book of Revelation, because at the beginning of the book, uh, it says it's the revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him to show unto him the things which must shortly come to pass.

And I'm gonna, I go into all that, but, but I just take it as the revelation of, as it says, the revealing of Jesus. And then at the end of the book, it says in Revelation 22 and verse 16, he says, he's. To you for in the churches. For the churches. And it says in verse 17, the spirit and the bride, the Holy Spirit and the bride, the church are saying, come.

im that hears what Revelation:

Pastor Greg Moore who did the Forward, when he told me, he said when he, after he spent a lot of time with the manuscript, he said, he said, Chris, you're not fighting with anybody. He said, you're just presenting a view. And, and, and I, I think I, that's what I'm doing. But, but I do say a couple things that, you know, some people might get worked up over.

And I can give you those in a few minutes. And I don't wanna turn all your viewers off, but. But, but we have to be honest, and, and I don't want, I tell people all the time, I'm not trying to be right. I'm trying to find out what is right when it comes to doctrine and understanding. And, and I know that if you, that you understand that, that I tell people, read your Bible with your Jesus glasses on.

In other words, you, you, you look at, you see him, you see redemption, you see what he's done. The entirety of the word of God, but I think it's a stroke of deceptive genius that we, the enemy I believe, has taken the last book, which says, it's the revelation of Jesus Christ. And literally made it about everything but Jesus and made it about God's gonna get you and man, he's gonna, he's out to kill and, and, uh, and people need to receive Jesus.

And that's the good news of, of the Book of Revelation. That's why the spirit and the bride in when as we're in unity with the spirit of God, we can tell people, you know, they can come and they say, well, you don't know what I've. And then I tell people, well, you don't know what he's done. And and two Corinthians five talks about how God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing men's trespasses under them, and has committed unto us the word of reconciliation.

And that's just a fancy word to tell people that because of the sacrifice of Jesus and what he's done, you can come to God through Jesus. And be, be born into his family. I mean, and be part of the family of God. That's amazing. Jamine. Oh, that's good news. Yeah. That's that's great Chris. And you know what, um, I never really put the revelation of Jesus Christ, um, the beginning of how Revelation starts.

I never put that together with one Peter one and Right. And that, that's, that's awesome. And usually, well for many people, the first thing they think about when they hear. Revelation. Actually, some people call it Revelations. Yeah, I know. But, but the first thing people think about when they hear about Revelation, they think of in times not Yep.

A revelation of Jesus Christ. And I saw, I saw this, um, I just looked at this in, um, first Peter, or First Peter one 13 from the Passion, listen to this. Mm-hmm. The last part of this verse says, For when Jesus Christ is unveil. A greater measure of grace will be released to you. That's so good. Wow. But carry on, brother.

No, that's so good. And you know, let me give you another one. I, I do that a lot. In this book. I connect, uh, the book of Revelation with the rest of the Bible. There's a thought, you know, but. Uh, you know, scripture I believe interpret scripture. Yes. And when you keep it, when you, when you understand that, that it really is revealing the living word, Jesus.

I mean, it, it really comes alive. And, and for example, you were mentioned verse Peter one, I love verse 21, where it says, who by him do believe in God. Now that's interesting to me. You can believe legalism is believing in God by yourself or believe, or whatever form Nas theism or whatever you say. But it's not believing in God through Jesus.

But it says who by Him. The Greek says through him, do believe in God that raised him up from the dead and gave him glory that your faith and hope might be in God. That's correct. When we come to God through Jesus, I mean the devil's believe in tremble. James tells us. Yeah. And I asked our church, I said, what makes your belief in God any different than the devils?

They look at you, you know, like, wow, cowed a new gate. And I said, because you're coming through Jesus. Yes. That's what it's all. Yeah, and there's so, there's just so many, many verses and, and, and it's really, really good news. Um, I do a thing on, you know, for years pe you've heard people say, well, the mark of the beast is a computer chip.

I, I don't see how, I guess, you know, unregenerate man could try that, and I believe that the devil would love a one world government. You see that in Genesis 11, in the tower B. But I believe that, you know, I, you, I got a chapter in the book called The Nature of the Beast, and we've heard that all our life where people, well, that's just the nature of the beast.

Well, there's a lot of truth to that because g uh, Ecclesiastes three 18 says, I said in my heart, concerning the estate or the condition of the sons, amen. That God might reveal it under themselves or manifest it, and that they might see that they are beast. And without the spirit of God, we, we can. You know, uncivilized as, as, you know, any animal, you know, and that, I believe that's what he's talking about.

And, and I have a whole thing on that and mm-hmm. You know, that, that I, I just, I just wanna know, you know, um, you know, truth and Jesus is truth. And I find when I read this, I'm just, I'm looking for redemption. I'm looking, I'm looking for, you know, excitement. I mean, I. It's, you know, it's a good news available to those who don't know him.

at you, but in, in Revelation:

Uh, like a lamb. And then I stop right there and I say, well, who's the lamb? And then they just, people think, well, that's Jesus. Well, this isn't the lamb. It's like a lamb. It's masquerading as a lamb. Mm. You know, it's religious. And he gives life and power under the first beast whose deadly wound was healed.

And I, I believe the first beast is speaking of the edemic nature. And you, you know, and, and, and if, if it's a deadly wound, it's, it's dead as far as I know. But religion gives life to a dead old man and tells you, you can save yourself. You can buy and sell and barter with God. And, and you can, you can make, you can save yourself.

And that's not true. You need Jesus. Right. And we all, and so, yeah. Any. I, there's a lot of things I say in this book, and I'll just give you another one once again, is I know people talk about seven years tribulation, and I believe there's, you know, people are being persecuted for their faith worldwide now, probably, probably more than any time in history.

Mm-hmm. I don't have exact stats, but I know it, it's, it's bad. Uh, but I don't see. Seven years, uh, tribulation. I know they take it from Daniel 9 27 and from basically one phrase there. And I think that's a, um, that's a pretty, you know, Daniel 69th and 70 week 70th week. And I tried for years to see that stuff and I think you gotta put a lot of pressure on the scripture to make it say some of these things.

But here's what I do see, I see three and a half years I. 1,260 or 1,203 score days. I see. 42 months. Those are all different ways of saying three and a half years. And then I stop and ask this simple question, how long was Jesus physical ministry on the earth? Well, it was three and a half years. Hmm, interesting.

Could there be a connection between his Earth ministry when he, when he was here the first time physically? And the three and a half years there is, I totally believe that, but people have made it. Well, I could go on. I mean, it frustrates me because I really believe the book that calls itself the revelation of Jesus Christ in a lot of ways has been stolen from people because of.

I've heard people say, well, I don't, you know, I don't even go there. It's too confusing. It's, I'm thinking, yes, it's symbolic in nature, but I'm telling you it has a lot of literal application to our lives and, and we need the revelation of Jesus Christ. Yes, we do. Can I, I'll throw, throw another one. I talk about in the book and in Revelation 18, in verse four, uh, John says, I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, come out of her my.

That you've been out partakers of her sins and that you receive none of her plagues. And so John is telling, the Lord is telling through the Apostle Johnny's saying, come out of her. And then I'm saying, who's her? Well, it's, it's mystery Babylon, the mother of Hart's, plural. It's ta, spiritually speaking, you know, counterfeit religious systems that negate the power of God in our life.

And Babylon, the word Babylon simply means to confuse by mixing. When we mix the covenants and we, we add things to what Jesus has done, that's a Babylonian system, and God is telling his people come out of her that you don't receive of a judgment that already abides on her. Jesus said in John 3 36 that the wrath of God abides on those who don't believe there's a curse in this world because of Adam's sin.

And God doesn't want us, you know, under that system. He wants us. That's why we take communion. I do a thing on that and there we do it in remembrance of him. Uh, so we don't fall under the same condemning sentence that is, that is in this world because of Adam's transgress. So anyhow. Chris Ho, hold, hold on.

You, you throwing a lot of things at us, so good stuff. Take us to where is the scripture in reference to mixture and, and go back over that and talk about that a little bit. Well, if, if you study, uh, I, I, if you study, uh, well first Paul said in Galatians and there there's so many. He starts in chapter five in verse one where he says, standfast in the liberty, talking to believers Christians, uh, where with you you've, uh, been set free.

Be not entangled again with that yolk of bondage. And that yolk of bondage has to do with approaching God based on our own personal merit instead of Jesus our works instead of his work. And then what fascinates me is you get to verse four of Galatians five and it says, Christ be has become of no effect unto.

And I thought, wow, how can Christ be of no effect? To me, that's amazing. Whosoever of you are justified by the law. You have fallen from grace. In other words, falling from grace is when I look to myself. For justification and, and, and Babylon. The word Babylon literally means to, it, it means to confuse by mixing.

And if you stu, it uses that, uh, terminology in the book of Revelation. And, and, and that's what happens. Like Paul said in Galatians three, three, are you so foolish? You begun in the spirit. You begun by trusting God. Are you now, do you now attain your goal One translation? Through human effort or through the flesh.

And so that's, that's the danger of, of mixture. You know, it, it's, it's the Jesus Plus plan. In other words, I come to God, but you know, I hear people say it. I've just had a prominent Christian magazine and it just greets me. I told my wife, I said, it just greets me. They're talking about keeping the Passover and, and I'm not against doing those things.

If you, uh, if you understand, if you're not doing 'em, Any kinda merit, you know, you're, you're doing it as what it, how it points to Jesus. But first Corinthians five, seven says, Christ is our Passover. It's no longer a day. And how, you know, Paul warn in Galatians four, you observe days and months and times and years.

That's Babylon. Babylon is the mixture of, yes, my faith is in Jesus, but it's also in, uh, me keeping feast days or me doing this, or me. Mm-hmm. Uh, you know, that's mixture and that's deadly. And and that's the hardest. It makes it difficult to see because, because of the truth in it. I mean, I know this is audio only, but I'm holding a bottled.

And if I said, you know, here Brother Al, here's a, here's a bottle of water. It's real good. It's cold. I know you're thirsty. I put just a little bit of cite in. Not much. Not much. But that mixture will kill you. Yeah. I can't, I can't drink around it. Nope. You can't drink around it because it's, it's intertwined with the water in the bottle.

That's true. You. There's so many scriptures and, and this is honestly, this is what offends people. I got a message for this Sunday coming up. It'll probably be af you know, uh, already done by the time this is, this airs. Mm-hmm. But it's what is the offense of the cross? What does that mean? And, uh, it's really powerful because.

People want glory in what they do for God. They wanna believe that, man, I did this. I'm something, and uh, no, you're nothing. Neither am I. That's why I need Jesus. Yeah. Which was the purpose of the law, which he gave to Israel, but it condemned the whole world, stopped every mouth Romans three says. So we would stop trusting in ourselves and begin to trust in Jesus.

And that's not just for the initial born again. That's throughout our Christian walk. Colossians two six, the same way or as you have received Christ, Jesus the Lord. So walk in him the same way I received him by grace through faith. Keep abiding him. Keep my faith in him. And that's the good fight of faith.

It's to keep it in him and out of me. Yeah. I got a question for you, Chris, about mixture. So many people I've found don't know. If they're in a church with mixture, they may think that they're in a grace based ministry or church, and they don't recognize that there's mixture there. How does a person recognize, or how can they tell whether they're in a church that preaches a mixture of law and grace?

That's a great question and, uh, you know, well, first of all, I wanna say this before I, I address. I'm not saying you go in there and expect somebody to say everything perfectly right. I, I can't speak for you, but I know I can speak for me, I, I don't, you know, it's hard to explain everything in one message, you know, how that is and, right.

And, um, so I, I don't think we should be nit-picky, but at the same time, I also, I do believe, for example, I'm gonna use this as an example and then I'm gonna, uh, look at First John, but. You know, how many churches have I heard say, man, what's your motto? Will we love God and love people? Man, that sounds great, doesn't it?

Yeah. There's only one problem. You cannot love God and love people until you realize he loves you. That has Absolutely, man. Say that again. Yes. Because I love what one John four 10 says. It says here in his love. In other words, this is what I'm talking about. That's my paraphrase. Mm-hmm. Not that we love.

But that he loved us and sent his son to be, be the big word. Propitiation just means satisfaction for our sins. So that's love. I can't love God and I can't love people until I learned to receive his love for me. That's why the very first foundation in Hebrews six, one and two is the repentance or the mind change from Dead Works and then faith towards God.

I can't have faith towards God. So I quit trusting in Dead Works, and I've heard this preached. I heard somebody, a prominent minister, if I named his name, everyone would probably know who I'm talking about. He's good, I like him. But he's talking about those that he, and he starts focusing on repentance, like repentance from sins, know it's repentance from Dead Works, works that I do to merit my position before God.

And that's, that's dangerous stuff. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's. And answer to your question in first John, I would pray and, and I know this, it, it, it, and go to the word and validate everything with the word. And I just, I listen for Jesus when I'm, I'm listening for people talking like say, that's good. Listening for Jesus.

Yeah. Emphasis on the work of Christ and what he made available and how I appropriate that. Does that make any sense? Yeah. Focusing on who he is and what he has done for us through his finished work, right? Yep. Absolutely. But, but here, here's what I think is fascinating and first John 2 27, it says, but the anointing which you have received of him, it abides in you.

You need, not that any man teach you, but as the same anointing teaches you of all things, and it is truth. Here's what the anointing teache. It is no lie. And even as it has taught you, you shall abide in him, is what I'm hearing. Teaching me to abide in him. He's not doing away with teachers. Cause the verse before that says these things, uh, right.

You concerning them, that seduce you. But the anointing of God will teach me to abide or keep my faith in him and outta me. That's, that's been something, you know, that I, I see. Um. Minister, they, uh, I'm just share this example. He was talking outta James chapter one. It's actually the same guy, but he was talking to James chapter one and he was talking about where it talks in verses 23, 24 and 25 about a man who looks in a mirror.

He goes away and forgets what manner of man he was and that whole thing. And uh, uh, it's interesting. He's not. And this guy was saying, he was saying, see, you look into the mirror of God's word and you see what's wrong with yourself. And I could not disagree with that more. That's the problem. We look in the mirror of God's word instead of seeing who we are in Christ and what's right with Jesus and Christ in us, the hope of glory.

We look in the mirror of God's word and we get condemned because we're not seeing Jesus, we're you? You hear what I'm saying? Right, right. Focusing on yourself. That's it. And that's, that's what the law was for. The law was given to show you that you can't keep it, so you would quit trusting in yourself.

And, uh, but I, I mean, I marvel at people, honestly, that, that don't, don't see this. And, and I mean, I didn't see it for a lot of years. I'm not, yeah, me, me neither anybody. Yeah. And so you try harder and that just as leads to Frustra. Yeah. Yeah. That makes me think about communion and, yes. And people look at themselves at communion instead of look looking at him, right?

He said do, he said, do this in remembrance. Of me. Yep. Right. Yep. Not yourself. Yep. I taught it that way Al. I did for for years cuz that's how I was taught. And me too. Check yourself out. Make sure you don't have any sin in your life. Get your sin out. Absolutely. Don't you approach communion with Yeah. Until you've repented of all your sins and all that kind of stuff.

I used to teach that so we're not throwing rocks. Right. The interest of God's word gives light, you know. If you have a fence against somebody, you know, you go up and tell 'em and you know, you just cause more trouble. I didn't anything against, no. Yeah. But it's real clear in there. I, in fact, we did, took communion Sunday at our church and I actually was on those verses in first Corinthians 11 and I said, I said this do and remembrance of you, and I stopped and of course everyone corrects me.

I said, it's not a remembrance of you and remembrance of me. Taking it Unworthily. I tell people this, it's not an adjective, it's an adverb. It's not describing a person, a noun. It's describing an action. And the way we take it, unworthily, is to believe we're not worthy because Jesus made us worthy. Yes. The only way a Christian can take communion unworthily is to believe they're unworthy.

Mm. That's good, man. It's powerful stuff and, and and, and, uh, there's so much there. I'm there right now. I gotta look away or want to go there, but, but yeah, it's the revelation of Jesus Christ. It's good news. Yeah, it is. I don't want to get too far away from your book, man, but, uh, yeah, that, that's really good stuff.

What else you. Oh, I got, there's, there's a lot of things I talk about and I, I'm just giving an example of comparing scripture with scripture. Mm-hmm. In, uh, uh, in Revelation chapter 14, uh, it talks about 144,000 virgins. And I'm thinking, and I just asked myself this question, are these ver Revelation 14, verse four, they were not defiled with women for their virgins.

They follow the lamb, whether so. These were redeemed from among men being the first fruits unto God and to the lamb, I think. Wow. Uh, what does that mean? And some people, well, that's 144,000 Jewish believers who are virgins. I could not disagree more. I believe the virgins in the sense that they have not been defiled with the Harlet daughters of Babylon.

Revelation 17 five. And if you read in two Corinthians 11, verse two, Paul said, I, he had a desire. He wants to present you as a chase of virgin under Christ. It's not talking about not being married. He's talking about your relationship with God. That it's pure. It's totally. Totally. Jesus. You relate to God totally based on Jesus.

Wow. And you know, I've discovered it sometimes when I feel the the least worthy, it seems like God will sometimes will do the most and I don't get it. And I'm thinking, uh, thank you Jesus. Prayer in the word, but not to. Aren't you impressed, Lord, with how much I've read the Bible? No. He's impressed with his.

And I I'm in his son. Yeah. Wow. Yeah, man. That's good, Chris. It's, it is. I get excited talking about it. I mean, um, and there's, so, there's so many verses like in second Corinthians, or excuse me, second Timothy two 13, I, I'm gonna do a little test here and then I'm gonna explain my way out of it. But, uh, I, I've told our church, I said, uh, and, and others when I was up at Nicole's and I did this up there, and I.

I said, listen, I'm gonna say something here and you're gonna think it's heresy, but, but hear me through. All right. Uh, listen to me, God is not faithful to you. And then I stop and I look for the escape hatch. I go, God is faithful to his son Jesus. Mm-hmm. And, and second Corinthians or second Timothy, chapter two, verse 13, the new King James says, if you are, we are faithless.

He is faithful. Faithful. He cannot deny himself. That's why God can't. And you know, I gotta, it, it is powerful. Hebrew six talks about two unchangeable or immutable things that God cannot lie. You know how long I spent trying to figure out what those two immutable things were And I read every commentary and you know, you can think, I mean, I looked to, well this person says this, and that person says that, and this person says this.

It's really simple when you understand the revelation of Jesus. There was no one after the fall of Adam that could make covenant with God because they were all fallen. No one. Isaiah 59, he said he wondered that there was no one that could could, that was qualified to stand up for humanities on humanities behalf.

Ezekiel 22 says, I sought for a man to stand in the gap and make up the hedge. There wasn't anything. Mm-hmm. So what's that do? God becomes a, Through his son and then God makes a covenant with himself and, and Jesus isn't that powerful? Yes. Jesus represents all of mankind. Yes. Cause the confusion I read in Galatians two 20 for a mediator is not a mediator.

Or Galatians three 20 is not a mediator of one yet. God is one. I thought, wait a minute. Yeah, God is one. But in order for him to be a mediator, there has to be two parties that are at odd. Genesis six three. He prophesied my spirit shall not always strive with man. So they were at odds. So what happened?

God is. But God became a man and his son, and they made that covenant. That's why he can't lie. Come on. The two things in Hebrew, six that anchor our soul in the midst of a crazy world are the fact that this covenant is secure on God's end, but it's also secure on our end because of our representative, man, Jesus Christ, the son of God.

It became the son of man so that sons of men could receive him and become sons of God. Hallelu. It's powerful. Doesn't make you wanna shout. Oh man. Make you shout, man. Glory to God. Glory to God is right. Praise. I mean, you know, I'd say, how can we lose, man? Yeah, that's what I'm saying. I mean, we, we've got the representative, man.

It's, and, and like you said, he's faithful to his son. Yeah. He can't deny himself, man. Yeah. Praise God's wonderful. Hallelujah. We are in Christ, man. We cannot lose. Thanks. You can't be to God who gives us the victory through Amen. Through our Lord Jesus Christ. Oh Lord. I'm just, you getting me on a shout? I mean, it's so exciting and it's like people, I to ask people, why is the gospel good news, simple.

I don't know. I it's cuz that's what they told me. No, it's good news because it's about Jesus. It's not about you, but it is for you. We gotta get that straight. It's not about me, but it's for me. I'm the beneficiary. Yes. You see this when David fought Goliath in first Samuel 17, that's a picture. If, if Goliath would've won, the entire nation of Israel would've been subject to the Philistines.

Hmm W David won. A type of Christ. He won the victory. All of Israel was blessed in partook of the spoils of the defeated enemy, the ings. And what did Israel, the nation contribute? Could you say, hiding in the trenches. Weakness, that's what we contribute. Weakness. Yes. And faith. True faith is nothing more than gathering the spoils of a battle that Jesus has already won.

Thank you Lord. That's good. Yeah. Oh, it's so exciting. Amen. And that's why the teaches you to abide in him. People, people think the devil's like, man, he's so powerful and he's gonna twist your arm and he's gonna do it. He can't, no. I ask people this question, why is, why does Satan have to lie? And they, people haven't thought about that.

I go, I, if I'm gonna whip you, Al, and, and I'm stronger than you, I'm just gonna. But if I know I can't whip you and that you have all the power and authority, all I can do is lie to you or lie to someone else to come against you. But I have, I cannot touch you because you're stronger than me. You have the power.

That's good. And see, that's such a good liar. Oh, that's, that's awesome.

Yeah. Wow. That's powerful, man. I tell you what, this, this is some good stuff. If you wanna know more. Get his book on the redemptive book of Revelation. Praise God. Uh oh. The Book of Revelation. All right. Yeah. And it is a redemptive book, and it is, he talks about the subtitle is, um, what is it? Um, looking Through Revelation Through the Eyes of Redemption, or that's it.

The Book of Revelations are The Eyes of Redemption, the Book of Revelation through the eyes of redemption. Man, that's good stuff. If you have any final thoughts, um, Let let you, I'll let, I'll let you think about that. And then, um, yeah, and then we're, we're gonna wrap it up, but we'll put the link of the book in the show notes if I can't do the link.

Um, we'll, we'll put in the show notes where to find it. So, awesome. Go ahead. No, I was just gonna say I got a real short introduction that I did and it kind of sums up things. Yeah. I'm just gonna read it. Okay. And it just says, probably no other book in the Bible has caused more believers to divide than the Book of Revelation.

Because of its symbolic nature, it becomes easy to ascribe all types of private interpretations to the truth contained within. The last thing I desire to do in this publication is add to the confusion in corresponding division that already exists as it pertains to the book of Revelation. My goal is that we will simply begin to see the book that calls.

The revelation of Jesus Christ as a revelation of Jesus Christ. And then awesome. Second Timothy two, seven, I have under there, consider what I say and the Lord give you understanding in all things. So great. That's the goal. Yeah. Chris, thanks so much for joining us. Before we go, would you close us out with, Yeah.

First of all, I wanna say thank you Al, for having me. I really appreciate you and my pleasure telling my wife about how much I appreciate you. Uh, cuz you're, I know you're a Grace Guy or like me, you're a grace and faith guy, but you, you really do have a desire for sound doctrine, um, that exalts Jesus and doesn't go off in the weeds.

I, I appreciate that. I really do. Amen. I really, really do because thank, that's, that's, Gold. So if you go to AL'S church, you need to keep going there cuz that's the place to be. Thank you so much, Chris. You're awesome man. I appreciate it. Yeah, I'd be honored to pray. Father, I wanna thank you for this time together.

I wanna thank you for anyone that will be listening or listening now or we just want them help us all. Al, myself included in our. To just get a greater revelation of Jesus Christ. And as brother I was saying earlier, because of Jesus, we cannot lose glory God. Mm-hmm. Give us that revelation. Give let us, uh, the eyes of our understanding, being enlightened to this hope that we have in Christ, this, this powerful hope.

And that we, when we pray in Jesus' name, it's we understand that it's about what he did to, to. That for us, and that we would get things based upon him and, and not revert back to us. And, and if there's anybody here that doesn't know the Lord, I'm gonna, the Bible says if you call upon him, you shall be saved.

And I encourage you to do that and accept Jesus. I thank you, father in Jesus. Thank you, father. Praise. Praise God. Praise God. Praise God. Hey, thank you so much, Chris, for sharing with us today. Man, it was a pleasure to have. Honor being here. I appreciate you having me. All right. Thank you, Al.

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Living By Grace
Living by Grace with Al Jennings
Teaching the Word of His grace. Receiving the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness will cause you to reign in life.
Matthew 11:28–30 (The Message)
28 “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. 29 Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. 30 Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”

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Al Jennings